My Boys

My Boys

Monday, April 9, 2012

Second Tirmester

Well Yesterday was my 14 week mark and I cant believe how much my morning sickness is eased up. I feel alot better now and I don't really throw up now. I still am very tired though I feel like I drag most of the day and I need to sleep. Although I don't get much sleep with working and the twins. I am hoping it will pass soon and I can feel more energy. I remember my 2nd trimester was the best and I hope it is with this one. I still have not announce this pregnancy to every one just family and some friends, Facebook has not got the announcement yet but it will when we find out what were having. So for now this is for my bloggers :) I have been ask many times what we are hopping it is. Well I think its obvious...a girl would be nice! I really dont want to get my hopes up because I did with the first one and I wanted a boy and girl. I am so happy I got my two boys though they are so much fun and they will be the best of friends. Even if its another boy I wont be too disappointed because I love having boys there so much fun. Also thinking of money with three we have everything boy times two so there wont be much to get and that will be a money saver. But the advantage of a girl is well a girl I want that mother daughter connection I need a little princess to help with the testosterone in the house lol. I will be happy with either one, If we do have a little girl our family will be complete and I honestly don't want any more after but if its a boy Im sure later in life maybe one more?


  1. OMG! What awesome news. It would've made me giggle if it was twins again but for your sake I'm happy its a little singleton. Congrats girl!!!

  2. I know that is the first thing I asked the Dr if it was. He had told me that the lady he saw before me had twins and she was again.. I was a little freaked out lol
