My Boys

My Boys

Monday, August 30, 2010

Birth Story!

Such a proud dad
I love them so much



Augest 23rd 2010... Noah and Elijah are born!

First thing monday me and James went in to the hospital for a check up to see if we were ready to have the boys. We got there and my Dr decided since I was 38 weeks and they were looking great they could schedual my c-section that day! We were so excited and a little scared I was really nervous to have a c-section. We went in to labor and delivary and I got my Iv hooked up and they ran a bunch or tests like blood work checked the boys harts everything was good to go. They walked me down to the room for the c-section and I got my spinal I was so scared to get it but it was nothing it pinched for a second and then it was over. I went numb and they started. I felt absolutly nothing except pressure. (lots of pressure!) after about a half hr I heard noahs first cry and then right after Elijah. they were screaming like crazy. Noah had to be put on some air help because he had some fluid still in his loungs and was breathing but not as well. Elijah was just fine. James was so nervious for Noah he kept going over to him on the other side of the room and looking at him. I of cours could not see him it was about 15 min before they brought him over to say hi. He was so cute and so was elijah. They both had lots of black hair and are cute as ever. We could emediatly tell them apart. They have some things that they look alike but Noah for sure looks like his mommy. And Elijah looks more like dad. We got done with the c-section and they wheeled me into the recovory room and then we could call every one to come in to see them. I was so happy that I was not all druged up I actually could focuse on everything. I did throw up a couple times though because they gave me some meds to help with itching and it made me light headed. There was one thing about it I hated I could not stop shivering!!! That lasted a while. After all the visitors left I tryed to breast feed that went really well. That night in the hospital I fed them every three hrs. and they did great. We spent 4 days in the hospital and the boys did so good the whole time with feeding and sleeping. The nurses were wonderfull and so helpful. We finally got home and man the first night was not very fun they were up all night crying and fussy I think it was just a transition fase they were not use to being in differant blankets and it was a new place. But they are doing alot better now at night were actually getting some sleep. James is being very helpfull too. Its obviously not easy with two of them craying at the same time thats for sure but I love it too its twice as fun. They are such beautiful boys and I love them to peaces! Cant wait for all the stages of there life to begin! :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

K its gonna happen!!

We had another apointment on Wed and Friday and they are telling me to get them out asap because they are getting low on fluid and they are both over 6 lbs. Plus I will be 38 weeks on Tuesday and they is considered full tearm for twins! I am so happy I made it this far! My Dr is out of town tell Monday and I see him monday and I will tell him to take the boys out! Im sure he will or he will schedual me for this next week. I cant wait I have been waiting forever! And James cant wait no more either.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Babies almost here!!!

I had a Dr appointment today and we found out we will be having them on the week of the 24th! We will need to chose a day. Also I'm still not dilated so that excites me but were at least past the point of really needing to worry to much about NICU time. We are trying to make it to the 38 weeks which is on the 24th then they will deliver. My Dr told me some not so good news though he will be going out of town next week! Great its just like the movies where your Dr leaves and you go into labor that week! So I hope I can make it past next week but who knows its just a waiting game now I could go anytime. It has been such a great pregnancy and Iam ready for them too be here. I have always wanted to be a mom and I will be in the next couple weeks its all so real! I cant wait tell you boys get here! (momma loves you!)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby Shower


Me my cute nieces and little bradley

Me and my sister my belly obviously over does hers lol

The cute diper cake my mom made!

I had such a great baby shower Saturday! I was worried I would not make it to my shower but the babies have been doing so great and they held on! :) We got pretty much everything we need to start out with. The main things two cribs, two car seats, a double stroller, play pen, dipers, wipes, bottles, brest pump, lots of cloths and blankets, so much stuff!

I hit my 35 week mark yesterday also. I am so glad the babies are staying put for now I need them to bake as long as they can so there wont be any NICU time! There little troopers. It is for sure getting a little harder now though Its getting hard to walk around I have so much pressure and finding it harder and harder to get around. I will be so happy to be able to walk around again lol. Its been so fun and such a great experiance this whole pregnancy and I could not be happier!