My Boys

My Boys

Friday, September 27, 2013

Twins and a haircut

Well, I gave this little man his first "real" hair cut. Not just a trim around the ears. I did it exactly how I do the twins hair, very short on the sides and then there long hawks! :) his already got messy by the time I took this picture but thats how it goes around here now. I cant always get pics done when I want to.
He is a busy little man right now, he doesn't want mommy holding him or distracting him if he is interested in something. He will do a high pitch yell at me lol its adorable. This is by far his favorite toy the twins loved it when they were this age to. He will sit and play with it for so long.

He has to stand up on it also, he is up on everything which means he falls alot too poor guy :( he keeps bumping his head on things. I dont think he is ready to take off walking yet but he is getting there. "he can take his time" ;) Not sure I am ready for three kids to be running around.
I think these boys are around mom too much haha Elijah took my hair clip and told Noah to sit down first he brushed his hair (I missed that picture) then he said "I fix your hairs k" so stinkin cute. Then Noah took a turn doing it to Elijah but I was busy with the babie to get that one. I love how much fun they are when they play nicely with eachother. It has been happening alot more lately and I love it.
 Just my Noah playing with his cars. I dont think they will ever play with anything else more then a car its crazy.

kinda blurry sorry, what a stud look at that face. :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A whole lot of nothing...

Well that is exactly right, a whole lot of nothing going on around here. Me and the kids have been kinda lazy so I have been slacking on the updates. The twins are doing awesome with potty training they are in under ware at home and at daycare. They have both had maybe one or two accidents but pretty much they are getting it down. They are getting really good at telling me they have to go too. I never new how much they had to potty tell they would tell me and they would go lol. Noah is however having a hard time with #2 he is scared to go in the diaper let alone in the potty. So im working on it with him. This last week he made an attempt to go in the potty and he did a little so that was an exciting moment! They are such big boys I cant believe it.
Isaiah is my Mobile child he is a crawling machine! Its so funny he follows me every where in the house if I go to the bath room he follows me then sits there then if I go to the living room he will follow if I go to the twins room he follows he never leaves my side. If he is upset and I cant really hold him yet I will be running around getting stuff done and he will crawl after me crying its actually kinda funny and cute. He is pulling himself up in his crib too know so I had to lower it, even though he is probably no were near falling out but with him he is doing everything all at once. He is not standing by himself yet but he loves to hold your fingers and walk with you.
Next up is his big 1 year birthday October 5th. So I need to get on that. Sorry no pics this time I have a lot of cute videos but my phone doesn't want to send them for some reason? I will try and figure it out.