My Boys

My Boys

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just some randoms

I took my babies to the park I love this weather! They had so much fun getting out and swinging.
Noah loved the St. Patty hat he got at day care they had a little party for it and got some treats and made a fun hat.

Elijah was so excited to get the wagon out he really missed it, its his fav

He had to show me his hat too

Isaiah got to make something fun too for his St. Patty's day he got to make mommy a cute picture with his feet and hand print.

Elijah LOVES his brother so much he is "his" baby he always has to make sure brother is okay and always loves to kiss him.

My sweet little guy he is getting so big already 5 1/2 months old he is the light in our life's I could not be happier for my little surprise baby :)

I need to bring the hawk back they look so cute with it.. he was really into his corn dog lol

I couldn't get a smile so this was the best he would do

Monday, March 4, 2013


So I deleted my stupid email that was attached to my blogspot and I couldn't get on my account for a while! I figured it out though. Alot is going on in my life right now that are big changes, I usually keep this focused on the kids but I need an outlet. I wont get into details "at least for now" but me and James have decided to separate. Its been a long and hard decision but we feel its for the best. We love each other and are going to co parent with the boys, I'm not gonna lie it will be hard but for our family its best for now. I wont get into detail like I said because this is brand new and not a whole lot of people know, I really don't like talking about it over and over. I will update more when time has passed...

Other then that the boys are great and growing like crazy! Isaiah is 5 months old tomorrow my sweet baby boy is getting so big I cant stand it :(  he is such a fun happy little babie he smiles and laughs at everything and every one hes such a joy to be around. The boys are trying to potty train I am taking it really slow with them I don't want to rush it and get upset if they are not catching on. They have gone to the bathroom several times in the potty. I don't want to change to pull ups yet because they still are not quit doing it enough but there trying. I am ready for the warm weather to come I think the boys have felt to crazy being inside they need to get out to a park lol