My Boys

My Boys

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas

Santa came ;)

Our beautiful Christmas mess

Noah wanted two candy canes to hold in each hand.

Elijah was so happy about the candy canes

They love there slide they got from there Grandma Quintana

Elijah going down it

Pj time such a cutie pie :)

Little stud muffin cheesing for me :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Santa Time

We had Santa come visit us yesterday lol and Can you tell the boys were thrilled!!!!

Noah's face haha is pricless...

Poor guys :( haha

Lexi was not happy to meet him either haha Julie had to hold her there

Elijah is tryin to cover his face, Lex is screaming, and Noah is trying to get away!! lol

I on the other hand Love Santa ;)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Yes we have a climber!!! He loves to get on everything now..This was him as I'm trying to get him dressed lol

We had a really good Thanksgiving this year. The boys did so great and loved the food. Last year they were so little they slept all through dinner and could not eat it obviously. They had fun playing with there cousins and are finally opening up a little bit to people. They usually have a hard time around big crowds but they jumped right in and played all night. We had my grandparents over this year from my mom's side. I have not had Thanksgiving dinner with them in about 8 years! I know crazy but they have a big family and they have been bouncing around every year and this year was are year! It was really nice.

We played lots of games and ate lots of food! James made sweet potato's and the boys thought it was so good. I cant believe how big my family is getting all my nieces and nephews I have teenage nephews now! There are 13 grand kids now so its a full house, and all the babies are walking around too. Now its time for Christmas! I am going to make the boys there stockings this year, I was going to do James but he wants his Steeler stocking that I got him a few years ago... no surprise there lol. Were going to do a tree this year too (well a small one :) and I want to take them out to see the down town lights too... depending on how cold it is ... I am getting ahead of my self its not December yet... to be continued lol

Monday, October 3, 2011

Play Time Fun!

I love my twins so much they are so much fun! I am so thankful I get to play with them every day all day long! Life is amazing :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

1 Year Stats/ Park fun

I finally got the camera working so I can get more fun pics up. Today we took the boys to there 1 year appointment. Poor guys had to get 4 shots each though. They actually did really well this time around they were very open to people holding them and getting there weight and measurements done. I felt bad they were having a good time and then we blind sided them with shots. They cryed through it all, Noah stopped as soon as I picked him up but Elijah poor baby he cryed all the way tell we got to the car :( They gained weight finally (I think its from the whole milk.) and they grew about two inches.

Noah-Weight 18.52 Lbs 3% Elijah-Weight 19.07 Lbs 3%
Length 29.72 in 46% Length 29.53 in 30%
Head 18.6 in 74% (still big head :) Head 18.6 inch 70% (Still Big

They keep managing to stay close in there weight and length. Elijah is close to being able to sit facing forward in his car seat. (1 year old and 20 lbs.)

My Elijah so big and so cute....

Goof Ball Noah such a stud muffin....

They absolutely "Love" the swings!

He couldn't stop smiling :)))

First time on the slide!

He was a little tens but did it and loved it after...

They went down together .. that will be how they are in life "everything together!" I love that they will both have a best friend for life <3

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I love my twins :)

I know I know I am such a slacker! I will try and get on more often. My camera has been acting weird so I have not been able to take pics of the boys I will find a solution and I hope soon cause Iam missing all the moments to capture of there cuteness! They are getting so big and fun it amazes me how much they have grown into little toddlers they are starting to show there Independence and It makes me a little sad though because they wont need there Mommy's attention any more :(

My little Noah is finally detaching himself from me. He smiles at every one now instead of crays (he still wants me but, he is so much better around other people.) We went through such a hard faze with him he was always crying and wanting me never letting any one hold him even James, I felt bad because James would get so frustrated his little boy wouldn't want him. I would feel the same way too but he has been so much better and has such a cute personality always smiling and laughing, you just look at him with even a strait face and he will smile ear to ear!

My little Elijah is so independent he always does his own thing he will find a way to entertain himself, he has always been like that since he was born just very chill and doesn't need too much attention, I think he went through a small stage where he was clingy when he was a little younger but he grew out of that fast. He loves to talk he is a little talker, from the minute he wakes up to the minute he go's to bed he is always blabbing about something haha. They both have such different personality's but they love playing together and always trying to take what the other has. (time to teach about sharing!)

This weekend is my birthday 26 wow I feel old haha. we will probably just go to dinner and I wanted to take the boys to the park its there new favorite place they love the swings they could be in there for hrs if I would let them. As soon as I fix the camera more pics will be on the way and maybe some more videos these little boys crack me up and its mostly when there in there cribs for nap time if only I could catch it on video what they do its hilarious! There 1year Dr appointment is this next Monday too so more shots :( sad.... and I am hoping they have gained more weight they are so small and Noah is not even on the charts but she said they might not gain much since they are becoming so active, but since I have started them on milk they might start gaining more. I have been trying to fatten them up but I don't think they will all my nieces and nephews were tiny and never really stayed on the charts so maybe it just runs in the family. I will post there stats Monday.

Friday, August 26, 2011

1 Year pics

My little guys! 1 Year old :)

Elijah Daniel Montoya

Noah James Montoya

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday!!!

Hmm where to start.... I have mixed emotions today. My babys are 1 year old and I am sad and happy. I have never been so happy in my life to have these beautiful babys. The first year was Im sure the hardest and I know it was more so with two but I wouldn't change it for anything. The boys have grown so much and have got such cute personality's. Noah is my little mommas boy and he still has not grown out of it he always wants mom and loves to cry with everyone else :) he is still trying to walk a little but he gets to scared and falls down. He is my smiley laughing baby he laughs at everything. Elijah daddys boy "I know we have one of each" he is not as bad though with people he is very independent and likes to be on his own and do his own thing. He has not tryed to walk yet but he is standing on his own for long periods of time. They love playing together and discovering new things. They fight too haha they love to pull each others hair, ears, poke eyes. I have started having to use to word no alot! haha... I have started giving them regular milk and they love it and take to it very well. They are getting a little better at night but it could go away they change so much all the time. We had a birthday party for them this last weekend and it was a fun party. We had friends and family come over to celebrate with us they have so many people who love them I hope they no how lucky they are to have such wonderful family.

Birthday boy Elijah with Daddy

Birthday boy Noah with mommy

All the kids loved the cotten candy machine!

I know the pics are a little back wards but here is the after math of the kids getting the pinata candy haha I have never see candy be picked up so fast!

Mr Mesiah taking a swing at the pinata

Dillion trying to brake it

Meena was so cute trying to hit it she is such a girly girl

Love my family

Opening presents

Cake time!

Noah was getting tired after eating all that cake.

He dove right in!

Elijah got a little help from his cousin haha

Messy boy

There first tast of cake

Noah was getting mad we took so long to give him some lol

Noah was getting upset with no nap

Poor Elijah not happy at all towords the end of the day he only wanted daddy