My Boys

My Boys

Monday, September 10, 2012

36 Weeks

Well I'm 36 weeks and counting! I am so happy to make it this far you never no when your baby will just decide to come so Iam happy to have made it this far along. My sister in-law is also having a babie and she is due in November they recently found out she is dilated already to a 3 and is 100% efface she is 30 weeks. They think she will be having him in about a week or so, so she will be having him before me. That is why Iam so grateful I have made it this far that is a very scary thing and I don't want a NICU baby! I have scheduled my c-section for October 5th and 9:30 Am "if I make it to then" I want the option of having a natural birth so my Dr went over everything with me of what can work and what wont. He said if I make it to my due date and I have not dilated or anything he will not induce me that is what makes you tear after a c-section. He did say however if I were to go into labor today and I got to the hospital and I was pretty far along and labor would not take too long I should try it the natural way. So we will have to see what happens. I think I will make it to my due date though but you never no. I cant wait for this little guy to join our family. I have been trying to tell the boy there is a baby coming and hes in Mommy's tummy they will just point to my belly and say babie but they have no idea what I'm talking about lol. It will be really interesting to see there reaction. I know they will be jealous for sure but I am hoping it will fade after a couple weeks.

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