My Boys

My Boys

Friday, February 24, 2012

1 1/2 Years

Where does the time go! Already a year and a half with these munchkins. It get easier and harder as we go. They are pretty much tornado's where ever we go. They are so full of exploring and wanting to see what everything does. I swear I can never keep there room clean its always got toys everywhere there such boys :) I love that they sleep through the night it only took 15 months for it to happen lol but I am loving the sleep. Spring is just around the corner or sometimes it feels like its already here with this weather but I know the boys cant wait to play out in the yard and explore every day. I feel so blessed with my little family and I cant wait for more adventures.
No pictures right now I have been slacking on taking them lately but I will do some soon.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Purple, Green,Blue!

We have been learning colors! James has been going over colors with the boys and although Elijah has no intrest "no surprise lol" Noah has picked up on it. He says purple, green and blue. He can also point them out when we ask him where they are on his learning toy. He has always been fast at picking things up. Elijah just wants to do what he wants when he wants but he does pick up on actions really well we have shown him how to play with his toys the right way and he will do it now with his animal puzzle I showed him where they go and he will try and put them where they go.

They are loving the car carts :)