My Boys

My Boys

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Getting better

Elijah and noah

Eli's first Mohawk

Noahs first Mohawk

Its been almost a month now and I have been learning so much with my boys what they like what they hate. who needs more attention and who is more calm.

Eli~ He is a very needy boy right now he wants to be held all the time! Just feed him and he will be happy he is a little piggy and loves too eat! He also has some very mean fits he will shake his hands and grab at his face. I learned the hard way he needs mittns on his hands or he will make himself bleed! :( its very sad. But dont get me wrong he is also very fun he has a beautiful smile and he will just look into your eyes tell he falls asleep . Lets just hope his needyness is a stage he will grow out of!

Noah~ He is very chill and he can be layed down (after he eats his food first of corse. But he can be by himself and just look around... Good thing since brother is so needy right now. But he has a great smile as well he will open up his mouth wide and have the biggest smile. He loves his daddy to hold him he will be crying and as soon as James picks him up and talks to him he will stop and just stair at him.

They will be one month already this Monday. Time flys by so fast I fill like I just had them! :( I dont want them to grow up!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hard night

The boys had there first really hard night last night they were up all night long crying and fussing they were fed changed warm being loved on held.. I tryed burpping for air bubbles but nothing they just wanted to cry all night long. It was really hard for James and me because they were up the night before and we got no sleep then we were out running around all day the next day and had no time to sleep while they did. So we were dead by the night and they just wanted to cry and fuss even when we would hold them. I felt bad but it was very hard and tireding. :( poor boys I didnt know what they wanted!