My Boys

My Boys

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Time 2013

I apologize in advance for the terrible pic's. I lost my phone so I had to use a crappy old one and it didnt turn out that well.

This year was a very fun year with the kids for Trick Or Treating. They are finally getting what the point of Holidays are and they have been preparing for it this whole month. We have been watching Halloween shows and movies they had a fun Halloween party at daycare and they got to dress up. Me and James both took them out, since this is the kinda holiday you cant really split up. We went out to my sisters house to go with her and Lex and Angalee. Julies husband works out of town a lot so she didnt want to go alone. And the boys love there cousin Lex.
The twins went as Superman and Isaiah went as my little Teddy bear. Isaiah couldnt stop giggling while I was taking pictures he would cross his cute little bear feet and giggle then fall over on one of the boys.

                                                        (Once again sorry for the pic's!)
                                                      They are ready to go get some candy!
I love this pic. Ang was getting tired and she was not having it, Isaiah was like whats wrong with you haha
Let the candy begging begin lol. They would literally open up peoples doors if they took too long to come after they rang the door bell. I was laughing so hard I couldnt believe they would do that. They even ran in a couple houses if there was a dog or fish in there and they wanted to see it.
Doesnt he look thrilled lol. He did really good but he has a cold poor thing and he got upset towards the end.
Noah was such a sweet heart, he helped carry Lex's bucket because it was getting to heavy for her"little diva" lol love her.
Indiana Jones house was pretty cool, it was too dark to get pics but it was covered in some fun Halloween things. Including a spider that would jump out at you. The boys are really into spiders right now "gross!" and they loved it.
The boys scored big with there candy. They filled there whole buckets up. So I have a lot of candy I don't know what to do with haha.
Lex got the most because she would grab big hand fulls of candy haha. Isaiah trying to steel a sucker.
Such a fun night.

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