My Boys

My Boys

Monday, April 23, 2012

16 Weeks

I cant believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by... I remember with the twins I was counting down the days of every appointment and always worrying about things of what will harm them or following every single rule to being pregnant "even ones that didn't make sense" This time I find it alot more relaxing I don't worry that much since I have been through it before and Its going by so fast this time since I am not thinking about every appointment. It is way different though. I had so many ultrasounds with the boys since I was seeing two dr. and I always got to see them through the ultrasounds. This time its you go in and he just listens to the heart beat and your done, I had to stop myself from asking for an ultrasound just because I wanted to see what the baby was up too and how big its growing, but I will have to get use to it since its different. This whole pregnancy has been easier so far and even the appointments are easier I guess when I have the baby it will be easier too since it will be just one. :)  I am so happy I had my twins first because I learned alot and it will make it that much more fun with one.

I have my next Dr appointment on May 1st and that will be the day he will schedule me to find out what were having I am really excited about it and I am crossing my fingers for a girl "even though I think its another boy lol" Dont ask me why but I think it is because I never get my way when I want something badly but will see. Either way I will be happy to have another little one to love on.

The boys are being little explorers "crazy" explorers. And have no intention on wanting to listen lately especially Elijah. There alot of fun but they are ALL over the place. Its hard to control them any where if its just one of us. James grandpa passed away last week and we went to the viewing Friday I tryed to take charge of them so James could be with his family and visit. It was next to impossible to watch them by myself lol they were every where running around trying to sneak out side. running down hallways I was going out of my mind! I am so happy I had my sister inlaw there with me and her kids they were such a big help. I honestly could not have kept my head on strait if she was not there! "Thanks Angela!" I never wish they would get older but at this stage I do at least old enough to listen when I ask them to do something lol.. I might have a while to go before then. Were still working on words with them. Elijah is the stubborn one always has been he doesn't want to say anything. His only words he likes to say is Baby ok dad mom and babababab. Noah has a little more vocabulary. He says green, blue, purple, mom, dad, bye, stop it, and his new favorite is all done. I say that when we are done eating or done getting dressed he likes that one.

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